Watching the strange appearance of a man and his sudden death somehow does absolutely nothing for Sir Thantos. For some reason, he isn't really suprised about anything anymore. Thinking back briefly he remembers people disappearing into thin air, being controlled mentally, killer mold, undead children, magical horses, half dragons (ouch not liking the mental image of that mating!), floating temples, etc.
Shaking his head as if to clear it, he focuses his attention at the more important task at hand.
"I, as you all must know by now, agree most whole-heartedly with Vinoh. Let's move out and get onto this ziggurat at least.
Darghon, can you carry me up to the lower level so I can provide some protection from on the tower for those that are climbing up? I figure if we can all get to the base pyramid we can climb up together in a line looking for openings."
Don't be irreplaceable - if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted!