Perhaps this will help those that are tentative to participate, or those in search of ideas; I was quickly browsing through my contacts' on flickr early this morning, and through a random search query, I serendipitously found this creative set. On topic, it is composed by michele cat, and the set is entitled "lyrical photography". I had no idea she had thought of this idea as well, even though I've had access to her for the past two years. I'm such a bad friend, I never know what's going on.
As it is, check it out if you would like to see a similar portrayal to what is being composed here.
lyrical photography - a set by michele cat
And a few examples:

Our Lady Peace -
Superman's Dead
click to show Day 7 of art every day.
Inspired by Our Lady Peace - Superman's Dead.
Was sitting in the doctor's office with my ipod on today when this song came up. I started thinking about superhero funerals and got the inspiration for this shot.
not quite sure if i like the frame.
more here:

Atmosphere -
Trying To Find A Balance
click to show Day 75 of 365: a year in songs and photos
Song: Atmosphere, Trying To Find A Balance
I'm finally packing. I like to save everything for the last minute. In less than 48 hours, I will be in California.
This is my first 'real' vacation. Well, my first vacation that won't include having breakfast with Winnie the Pooh. I know, I've lived a sheltered life. Hell, this is my first time going anywhere off the east coast!
Travel wasn't always on my agenda because I hate flying. But your fears are easier to face when you have someone holding your hand through them.
A couple of people here and there asked why the hell I am going to Sacramento. Mostly, because Todd's parents are there and the main point of this trip is to see them.
While Todd spent a lot of his younger years in Fresno, he considers Sacramento his home town. It's where he lived during his teenage years (when he lived at home), where he played in a local punk band, where he came home to after months on the road, and where he ended up after he left those days behind and tried to move on with his life.
It's also where he was living when we first met ("met" in internet terms). Our relationship was long distance for a long time (there's only so many trips you can make to NY while trying to save money to move to NY) and as such, we spent an awful lot of time on the phone. We navigated the time difference in clumsy fashion; while I was wrapping my night up, he was going out to get some dinner. So I'd be on the phone with him while he drove through Sacramento, going to various fast food places, running errands, going to meetings, meeting up with friends. I "rode" with him from place to place as talked and he mentioned landmarks and favorite places and I made a mental map of his Sacramento, knowing that I'd be there some day. So when I get there, it won't be just some capital city of a huge state I'll be visiting; I'll be looking at places I came to know through our phone rides - Del Taco and Safeway, Fair Oaks Blvd and Howe Avenue and US50 - they are sentimental landmarks to me, odd as that may be to you. I'm sure no one visits California with the intention of sight seeing a Del Taco. No one but me. My sentimentality is my undoing sometimes.
I'm also looking forward to visiting all his old haunts in Sacramento and San Francisco; for every story he has from his wild days, there's a dot on the map that corresponds with it. Places like Lil Joe's and the Round Corner and Gilman....all places I'll just stop and take a shot of and move on, marking them in my little mental scrapbook of Todd's life so I have a visual to go with the audio when we sit in a diner on Long Island on a Saturday morning and he tells me more California stories.
That's why Sacramento is interesting to me. And just a small part of why I'm looking so forward to this trip. The personal sight seeing, the picture taking...those are awesome things. But they pale in comparison to actually getting away from everything - work, cooking, cleaning, the kids (anyone who has teenagers will understand that), the day to day humdrum of life, of being in a place I've ALWAYS been in, a place I've barely left in my 45 just be far away in what seems like another world to someone so landlocked in their hometown, and to do it with my best friend....yea, I'm looking forward to this.

Radiohead -
Subterranean Homesick Alien
click to show Day 120 of 365: a year in songs and photos
Song: Radiohead, Subterranean Homesick Alien
PJ left a note on my earlier picture of Gir asking who he is. So I thought I'd take another photo of him and explain.
Gir is a character in one of my favorite cartoons ever, Invader Zim.
Gir says things like:
"I love the little tacos. I love them good."
"But I NEED tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes!"
"I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"
"Yay! We're doomed!"
"Yay! I'm gonna be sick!"
"I'm dancin' like a monkey!"
"I'm running , I'm running....I'm NAKED!"
"Why my piggy?! I loveded you, piggy! I loveded you!"
"All these children get to go to a special place made entirely of food. I like food."
"I wants me a barrel of floss! I wants me two balls of glue…TO BE MY FRIENDS! And I wants to go dancing NAKED!"
"You just gotta give him a chance, and open up his head and sleep in it like a squishy little bed."
Really, I could go on all night. He's so cute.
---------- Post added at 10:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------
--- Once I think of a good visual stimuli-inducing song, I'll report back with my own creative undertaking. Enjoy the simple splendors.
---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------