What I wanna know is how do people know that DNA molecules don't have any intelligence if they do all this all by themselves. Assuming they do, then intelligence can logically be broken into lower levels, all the way through molecules, single atoms, particles, waves, and energy itself. Then if this is so, and karma and energy is everywhere and responds to all stimulus, then it can be proven, fairly easily, and tested individually. A simple experiment is in making tea, and focusing good thoughts and feelings on the cup, and comparing it to separate, identical cups made by someone having a bad day or something.
This faculty of the universe's response to sentient stimulus can easily be adopted by humans, then!
We CAN fly, we just don't accept these simple ideas as readily because of our upbringing, our culture, and all that. A person conditioned all their life to believe that God is ultimate and universal, as well as gravity, time, money in most cases, won't even try or even care. I'm trying to recall my conditioning and make my own decisions about how the world works, and I've done some pretty cool stuff, "voila!", like that!
Yeah, well, you're just that awesome, I guess. It's not like I guessed so anyways.