Originally Posted by ratbastid
And you do know that this attitude is entirely, 100% at odds with Palin's views?
I don't agree with Palin on everything. I don't agree with anyone on everything. However, with Palin I know if we disagree it is not because we have opposing goals or objectives. I think her position is based on what she thinks is best for children as is mine. I am not saying that people who are much more liberal on this issue than I am are not thinking about what is best for children, some do. But, some have other agendas. Like I wrote earlier, I could have voted for Hillery Clinton because I trust her, even though I disagree with her. I also have respect for a guy like Dennis Kucinch, he seems to act in a manner consistent with his views, but in his case I think his views are simply too extreme - but I like the fact that he is a part of the debate.
Palin feels it should be the job of the nanny-state public schools to inculcate abstinence as the only valid means of staying free of disease and offspring, violating both science and the free exercise of parental moral education. And you're okay with that?
Again, I am not sure that is correct. When I am asked about "abstinence only", and not given an opportunity to clarify what it means to me, it would come out as, yes, I support "abstinence only"
{added} From post #187 Will included a link to this question of Palin and her answer.
Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?
Palin: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.
*** UPDATE *** NBC's Abby Livingston adds that a McCain spokesperson in May 2007 said the Arizona Republican supported abstinence-only education, too. "Sen. McCain believes the correct policy for educating young children on this subject is to promote abstinence as the only safe and responsible alternative. To do otherwise is to send a mixed signal to children that, on the one hand they should not be sexually active, but on the other here is the way to go about it. As any parent knows, ambiguity and equivocation leads to problems when it comes to teaching children right from wrong. Sen. McCain believes that there are many negative forces in today’s society that promote irresponsible and dangerous behavior to our children. The public education system should not join this chorus of moral equivocation and ambiguity.”
Based on the question, I agree with Palin's answer.