Originally Posted by aceventura3
I don't think children can make informed choices regarding sex. I think the law agrees with me. I think children should abstain from having sex. I think children should be given an education based on the science of sex. I think the standard response from schools (when the question comes up) is that children should abstain from sexual activity - I do not think they should be told that ...if you are going to have sex, this is how you.... I think it is wrong for adults to validate/encourage, in any manner, children to decide to engage in sexual activity.
I feel the same about recreational alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking, chewing tobacco, tattoos and probably a few other things that don't come to mind right now. And you could basically substitute "sex" for any of those other words in the above and I would be comfortable with it. If you call that teaching "morality", then I am guilty as charged.
And you do know that this attitude is entirely, 100% at odds with Palin's views? Palin feels it should be the job of the nanny-state public schools to inculcate abstinence as the only valid means of staying free of disease and offspring, violating both science and the free exercise of parental moral education. And you're okay with that?