Originally Posted by aceventura3
First, with me understand who you are interacting with. I am a person who would have voted for Hilery Clinton in the general election against McCain because I don't think McCain is true to his stated convictions. Even though I disagree with Clinton on most policy issues, I know where she is coming from - with her there would be no surprises.
So you're saying YOU have no convictions.
Originally Posted by aceventura
Have you ever had a bad day?
When you first started in a job or in your career did you ever f... something up? Did you recover? Did you become one of the best in that job or career after the f... up? I don't expect perfection from politicians, I expect honesty.
I'm a computer programmer. You better believe I have bad days and fuck things up. Difference is, when I do that, I don't blame the liberal gotcha computer.
Shifting the blame is one of your core values, I take it? Because she hasn't actually owned up to ANY of the dirt that's been flung at her. And while I admit that there is a pretty fair amount of noise on that channel, there is some stuff, I think, that's pretty legitimate. But rather than respond to it head-on, she blames the messenger, blames the media, blames, blames, blames. THIS is something other than politics-as-usual??