Originally Posted by Willravel
It's a Machiavelli reference.
It's confusing that you admire Sarah Palin because her daughter got pregnant and...
Your logic escapes me here. I admire Palin because she handled her daughters pregnancy in a manner consistent with her core beliefs. Understanding Palin's core beliefs and her conviction to them illustrates a predictable response. This is a good quality in a person to me, one I deeply respect.
she didn't force the kid to marry her daughter? It's not the 1950s.
Do you think people are not pressured and forced into marriage? You don't think a parent can persuade a minor your young adult to take an action that the minor or young adult has not thought through?
I don't understand your point here. To me it is as clear as can be how a teenage pregnancy can turn into a disaster without the unconditional love and support of parents.
Most parents wouldn't force the boy to marry their daughter.
Many simply don't give a shit.
Because she loves her daughter? Mothers are biologically hardwired to love their children, most mammals show affection and protection for their young.
I am getting the feeling you are in a theoretical "la-la" land. I know people who were teenage parents, parents of teenage mothers, even my sister had a baby before graduating high school. I have personally seen how different people handle this and the affects of their actions from various points of view. the Palin family, no matter how you cut it, gave their daughter unconditional love and support. I respect that, and always will - no matter what she does with her political career. Palin is a hero - so are other parents who walk the talk when it comes to unconditional love and support of their children.
---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------
Originally Posted by dippin
What exactly are her convictions, how do they differ from general republican positions, and how are they something that Obama lacks?
First, with me understand who you are interacting with. I am a person who would have voted for Hilery Clinton in the general election against McCain because I don't think McCain is true to his stated convictions. Even though I disagree with Clinton on most policy issues, I know where she is coming from - with her there would be no surprises. People like McCain/Obama and a few others are simply selling "snake oil" in a quest for power. I don't have a problem with people seeking power, I just have a problem with them being dishonest about it or the approach to getting power.
I believe Obama started his political career by choosing a church based on his political ambition for starters. and it goes on and on from there.
---------- Post added at 09:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ----------
Originally Posted by FuglyStick
Yeah, everybody saw the Couric interview. Is there anyone who is seriously going to claim that she sounded like an intelligent, well informed candidate? Because your definition of "intelligent" and "well informed" are completely at odds with any rational person's definition.
Have you ever had a bad day?
When you first started in a job or in your career did you ever f... something up? Did you recover? Did you become one of the best in that job or career after the f... up? I don't expect perfection from politicians, I expect honesty.