Please, I am telling you, let the Dem/GOP debate get out of hand and we will have problems. I Don't want that to happen here on the TFP. Set me off and I will go nuts about my beliefs. I just think that the discussion would boil down to hate. And I don't want that. It would serve no purpose.
Here's an example of how I feel: GW Bush was never in charge. GW was Cheney's bitch. Read the book called "Fiasco." Powell quit because he was used. Rumsfelt would never have been happy until he had a third world war. It goes on and on. Rush? O'Reilly? Should be sent off to Antarctica.
See? There really is no place on the TFP for this. I want us to all remain friends.
Palin is an idiot. Republicans are idiots. Pro-lifers are idiots. Anti-stemcell people are idiots. People who think the Earth is only 6000 years old are idiots. People who doubt global warming are idiots. Sarah Palin is a friggin' moron. I kind of begged you guys to not get me involved here. She's dumb as a box of rocks and well on her way to getting her GW Bush Corruption Merit Badge. She lives in the last really beautiful state but sees all critters as a pain in the ass.
Whatever. I hope she does run in 2012, will be a slam dunk.
I like stuff.
Last edited by Wyodiver33; 07-08-2009 at 07:51 PM..