I made this illustrative post elsewhere in obscurity that now fits in nicely here. It is about the 2006 album
The Mouse and The Mask by collab. DangerDoom, and it features about half of the album's songs.
There is a preface provided by biznatch, and the triplicate pictures before the tracklisting state in a visual manner, "Push T(w)o Listen".
[what you need to do is click the embedded links within the pictures themselves to re-direct to an online music player ;
there's eight links in all, & seven of them are musical in nature once you click the anthropomorphized food.]
Originally Posted by biznatch
Just wanted to say I love the collab album DangerDoom, with rap by MF Doom and beats by Danger Mouse, most of the songs have many references to Adult Swim shows, and Master Shake talking on interludes. Ghostface is on one of the tracks, too. You guys should definitely check it out.