Sorry, I was thinking of Vector Marketing, who SOLD Cutco knives. I've never heard anything about Cutco themselves. Vector on the other hand, they're notorious for their scams;
In the past, the company admitted to fraud in settlements with the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (1999), Wisconsin Consumer Protection Dept (1994), and Arizona Attorney General (1992). In 1992, 940 Wisconsin Vector Marketing recruits were surveyed and the survey found nearly half of the recruits earned no pay or lost money while working for Vector.
Recently the co-founder of SAVE (Students Against Vector Exploitation) a group formed by students to fight the Vector Marketing scam, won a case with the New York Department of Labor, proving that Vector violated the independent contractor- client relationship, making her an employee. This breach of contract required Vector to compensate for her training.
I remember looking at the time and finding hundreds of thousands of hits on "Vector Marketing Scam."