LOOK... we seem to be straying from the real point here...
to re-state what many have already stated...
1) driving is a PRIVELEDGE... not a right...
2) separation between church and state was intended to save people from religious persecution based on their beliefs...
this is not a case of persecution, or a rights violation... it's a legal playground for lawyers and the ACLU... it's stupid... it's bullshit, and in my opinion... a WASTE of our tax dollars...
there are millions of well deserving causes for our tax $$ in this country... the lack of care for the elderly... the milllions of children in need of better eduction, food, clothing, shelter, etc...
the list as you know... could go on and on...
this woman... if she lived in a "true" muslim culture would not even be allowed to drive in the first place...
her lawsuit... is a joke... she should be ashamed of herself, and her lawyers to boot.
this world is full of rules... some of them don't seem "Fair"... but they are there for the greater good of the masses...
i say... GROW UP and GET OVER IT.
*stepping off my soap box & kicking it under my desk*
sorry if that sounded like a rant folks... i just can't believe this is even an issue.