...computers should be used, not seen and heard!
That being said I'm just gonna show you some pics of it.

In this picture you can see my computercase. Ok, I havent built it completly from scratch. The small door whit the handle on is for accessing a DVD/CD-RW when I get it.

Here's a better look inside the case, the insulation is for shutting in the noise. It also makes the computer look cooler when I open it. It's actualy 30mm engine room insulation for cars.

On a closer look we can see the noisetraps the on which the fans are mounted. They lead the air through padded passages that makes almost all the noise disapear (I can hear som if I shut all the windows and leave the computer on while i sleep, not much though)

This is the frame that I've put the components on Its placed on the thick insulation on the bottom which absorbs the vibrations.
All and all I'm pretty pleased. I'll add a powerbutton at the front, right now I just let it hang out in the back.