Honestly? Doesn't matter what you're doing... just depends on who you're with. Two awesome ones I've had recently:
We met for drinks. He bought the first two rounds, I bought the third. We sat and talked for hours, and ended with kissing in the rain. For the record, that's pretty much the hottest thing ever.
Second wasn't even really a date. We were hanging out at the bar, and I gave him a ride home. We sat in my car and talked for an hour, then got out and played an impromptu game of tag. Kissed in the middle of the street, then he tackled me on his front lawn. Good times 
"...for though she was ordinary, she possessed health, wit, courage, charm, and cheerfulness. But because she was not beautiful, no one ever seemed to notice these other qualities, which is so often the way of the world."
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"