I am familiar with the vinyl/plastic fences and decks but this is a short post that is used for mailbox mounting.
I guess it wouldn't be any different than a post used in fencing or decking, but it was the first I had seen of one for this specific application.
I cannot find it on Lowes website to show what it looks like, but it isn't a mounting pole that you actually put a mailbox on, but rather a 4x4 piece of plastic that has a gnarled bottom portion with a ground level mark so you know how deep to bury it. The top of it is smooth on all 4 sides but it is only about 2-2.5 feet above the ground so you have to slide a post/mount over top of it and screw it in, or like I did, use one of those plastic Step 2 mailboxes and mount that to it instead of a wood 4x4 post.
Rubbermaid makes a mailbox and post kit that all comes in one box that also includes a pointed end 2x4 that you pound into the ground then the post kit slides over the top of that, but this is also different from that.....and of course I buried it and set up my mailbox without taking a pic of what I am talking about