Originally Posted by Xerxys
B_G is it High amounts of red meat or simply just red meat period? What exactly is high in this case? Is it like sugar in that, cannot be measured exactly how much causes diabetes?
As with most things dietry, it's a
high amount, not
any amount period. I think it may be tied to a nearly daily intake of red meat. I think that eating red meat more than once or twice per week can be considered a high intake.
The Mediterranean diet is often cited as a diet that sees low instances of many diseases, so have a look at that. There is low consumption of meat, and the overall intake of red meat is about once per month I think. Mind you, this is the traditional Mediterranean diet. I think many in that region have started eating more like we do here in North America. And also consider the regionalism of the Mediterranean diet. I think we normally consider the cuisine of much of Greece and Southern Italy when we use that term. The cuisine of Northern Italy and North Africa, on the other hand, are a bit out of step with a few not-so-healthy ingredients.