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Old 07-05-2009, 12:34 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Location: Somewhere under the rainbow
Lady Di because if it hadn't been for that drunken bastard of a driver she had, she'd still be alive.

Judy Garland, she was desperate to be loved, and couldn't find it. She was looking in all the wrong places, but the fact that people continued to fuel her addictions, and her lack of self-worth, and didn't reach out to her as a's very sad. She was a moneymaker and that's all they worried about.

Lou Gherig, because it is a shame they didn't have the science back then that they had today...he could have lived longer. And I disagree with the way they kept telling him that he was going to be fine, and that it was just a matter of time. Well they were right, it was just a matter of time, but not for a cure but for it to take it's toll.

Ronald Reagan. It's sad to see a couple that in love and to see him die the way he did. To go from a vibrant young strapping actor (not that he was a favourite), but he had talent, then to see him lead this country, even though I didn't agree with everything he stood for, and then to leave office with dignity (which is rare these days). To see that he was so very happily married and in love, and then to die the way he did.

Heath Ledger. Because it could have been prevented.
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