I have found that from reading the statistics of different sites, and different organisations, that the pregnancy rate, and the promiscuity rate has gone up SIGNIFICANTLY since the early to mid seventies, and even more severely in the nineties and 2000s. I would like to see the age of consent raised to 18, as well as the driving age. Drinking age should be eighteen as well. If you are an adult and can do anything you want at eighteen, then you should have the choice to drink as well. I'm not saying that it's wise for some to do this, however, it doesn't make sense to say I am an adult at 18 and that I can vote, and do ANYTHING, EXCEPT drink. Europe has (depending on the country) no drinking age, or it is 16-18 depending on the country. They have a healthy respect for alcohol. That also needs to be better enstilled in this country. As for voting, I think 18 is fine. I find that most immature 18 year olds don't care and are too busy partying to concern themselves with politics. I'm not saying it's right, it's rather sad actually, but I'd be more concerned with the consistency of the law. If you notice, some are tried as adults at 18 and some are not, in a court of law. If the books say one is an adult at 16 or 18, then they should be tried as such regardless of the crime. Otherwise, raise the age of concent to 21. As for sex...it's a big responsibility and not everyone has the same (and some don't have any) religious beliefs. I think that a law should be passed that if you are under the age of 16 or 18 and are caught in sexual activity, you should be held accountable for it. There are too many people putting themselves in positions because they are letting their hormones rule their thoughts rather than common sense. In the throws of passion a 14 year old is not going to say, oh it's possible that I could winde up pregers, and have to raise a kid for the next 18-20 years. He and she will not think that abortion is a big thing, but that is risky, AND expensive. It's something that is taken too lightly. Drinking under age I don't have a problem with within itself, but the fact that a 14 year old likes to go about doing things to the fullest extent (thus risking getting drunk) it raises concern where you have to think...will that 14 yr old truly consider the consequences, and if they do consider them, do they really fully understand the ramifications of their decision. A kid moving out at 16 has very limited view of what it's like to live as an adult. You have bills, and the people you pay your bills to don't always give second chances like Mum and Dad might. They also tack on " consequences " for those that they do give "second chances" to. Not only that, but you have to do EVERYTHING on your own. Responsible for your automobile or form of transportation, shopping for food, paying medical bills, paying household bills. Then there are the incindences where things don't concern bills. You hit another car...and yours is totalled...no big deal you buy another one. But what if the other person sues you (regardless of whos fault it is)? Can you emotionally handle it? Mum and Dad can't go to court for you. They can't write a letter or promise you are going to work until the damages are paid off. What if you go out with your friends and get drunk one night, and get caught? You're an adult now, your parents aren't going to spring you for it. They can't. It's not their responsibility, what about your medical bills that are unpaid...sooner or later you are going to be refused health benefits because you can't pay the pending expenses due off.
I would leave it where it is rather than lower it, but at the same time...I'd only raise the ages if there has to be some change...but lowering it would be a mistake.
It's the proverbial problem of the child testing the waters... you draw the line in the sand, they are going to cross it at some point...it's human nature.