07-05-2009, 11:53 AM
#7 (permalink)
With a mustache, the cool factor would be too much
Location: left side of my couch, East Texas
I always liked the description of Rand's Heron Mark sword from the Wheel of Time series.
Wheel of Time Heron Mark Sword CB Swords - Fantasy and Reproduction Swords and Sword Accessories - CB Swords
In the world of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series, heron-mark swords are traditionally presented to those who have earned the title of "Blademaster"- either by killing a Blademaster in a fair fight or by being granted the title by a unanimous vote of five Blademasters. These individuals are unrivaled in their mastery of the sword, and are accordingly rare. Some heron-mark swords were made during the War of Power through use of the One Power, which produced blades that never required maintenance, and were essentially unbreakable. Rand al'Thor possessed one of these swords, a gift from his father. But after the Three Oaths were established, forbidding Aes Sedai to (among other things) use the One Power to make weapons, the number of blademasters eventually began to outstrip the number of Power-wrought blades, necessitating the creation of heron-mark swords of a more conventional nature. The Heron Mark Sword is a superb example of the sword maker's art. In the old days, the Heron Mark swords were made by blending metals to make a blade that need never be sharpened, nor could it be broken. But today, the Heron Mark is a sign that the sword was made by a blade master. Such swords are awarded only to he who has proven that he has the highest possible skill with a sword. We are very proud to offer this Heron Mark sword; hand-forged and of a very tough, high carbon steel. The guard and pommel are brass and the balance is simply superb. Authorized and approved by Robert Jordan, this sword is an accurate copy of those blades in The Wheel of Time series. Once you hold this blade in your hands, you realize how quick and deadly is the sword.