I don't believe the Republicans ever took things as far as the Democrats did do you? If so show me the {to borrow from Shell to save typing}
"the people" in turn were spending all their time on their butts posting disgusting degrading photoshopped pictures of me on the internet like the one i just saw in the tfp of a nude palin with pasties in a sacreligious portrayal of being nailed to the cross...
...or the media, airing for ridicule, beauty queen pageant photos of me in a swimsuit during the presidential campaign and making a big deal of a $150,000 wardrobe while no one said a word about what michelle spent has spent so far or the whole outrageous bill for obama's campaign
...or scrutinizing my children's personal lives
Or another example would be accuse Hillery of hiding a childbirth by saying it was Chelsea's.
Come on now, the left went much further than the right ever did and you know it. I will admit back during the 90s when Hillery appointed herself or Bill appointed her to oversee the health care reform the Republicans sunk pretty low in their criticism of Hillery but never as low as it went whenever Palin was chosen as a vice presidential candidate.
So can anyone tell me what it is about Sarah Palin that skeers the shit out of the left? You can come off it now because she's done politically. You can "stick a fork in it", she's done.