Originally Posted by matthew330
I can't remember what thread it was, but recently ratbastid posted a clip where fox news had a "(d)" in front of Sanford's name and had him suggesting this wasn't a mistake and chanting "fuck you fox news". Now, I watched fox news quite a bit that particular day. They consistently referred to him as republican, vocally, in the text below the screen, etc etc. And this exact same complaint, by (and again I'm gonna go out on a limb) from media matters on fox news, happened a year or so ago. Is fox news consistently making this mistake, only every so often,JUST enough time for people to forget about the charge, or are your left wing blogs just playing you.
Problem is, it's not the first time. Not by a LONG damn shot. Look, here's another. And I could find you more.
(Oh yeah... FUCK YOU, FOX NEWS!)
If you don't recognized Fox News as the propaganda machine that it is, they've already successfully turned your brain to oatmeal.
When I go into a store or restaurant that's got Fox on, I leave, and I tell them why I'm leaving. Fox News is actively bad for America. And not because they're conservative. I don't mind being disagreed with. I mind very much indeed that propaganda is being spoonfed to a slice of America in the guise of straight news.
Before you even go to "Mahr Olberman Maddow Lefty Blogs Just As Bad You Hypocrite", watch the recent clips and postings from those guys blasting Obama for his "prolonged detention" bullshit. The guys on the left are commentators--which means the speak from opinion and an editorial standpoint--but they stand for what they stand for and they're not afraid to go after "their own". They're not a party mouthpiece. Fox News is nothing but a bullhorn held up to the right-wing platform, and the more insane they get, the more rabidly their followers (not viewers...
followers) drool for them.
EDIT: You know what? Find me one screen grab where CNN or MSNBC made the same "mistake". You're going to say that there aren't any because nobody's watching them the way people are watching Fox, and maybe you're right. Still, the conclusion one HAS to draw is that the "liberal media" is more honest than the "fair and balanced" propagandists.
EDIT PART DEUX: I was looking for the place where I saw a bunch of these "mistakes" all rounded up and put in context. Finally found it.
(This was during the primaries, when all the commentators were proclaiming that McCain was too moderate to be the GOP nominee.)
This was while Specter was grilling Alberto Gonzales. Hey--that's not a lie, just a prediction!
This was around the time Chafee was labeled "the most liberal Republican in the Senate".
Stevens had just been nailed for ethics violations.
Let's all say it together, shall we? FUCK YOU, FOX NEWS.