Originally Posted by Charlatan
Texting is very cheap. It's easier to send a text to my wife to say, "can you pick up some milk" than it is to initiate a full conversation full of pleasantries and interruptions.
And when I text my hubby or daughter to "pick up milk" when they are probably driving, they can check the text at the next red light. I hate talking on the phone when driving, blue ear pluggie thing or not.
I don't do voice mail, at all. Too hard to hold the phone + pen + paper and write as fast as some people speak. Then I often have to repeat the danged message because someone farted or a loud truck drove by or a kid yelled, and I missed part of the message. I prefer a text that I can already read. Once in a while someone will complain that my voicemail box is full. Yes, I know it is. If I don't clear it out, people can't leave me messages that I forget to check. Send me a text.