Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Will, nowhere, in the Bill of Rights, are you guaranteed no taxation without representation. In that document, the two are very seperate and very distinct. "No Taxation Without Representation!" was a phrase used by Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, in a sermon in Boston, in 1750. I happen to agree with it, but that's not the point.
Nowhere did I say I was quoting the Bill of Rights with that particular phrase and sentiment, I was directly quoting protesters in the 13 colonies in response to the Sugar Act (among other things) but was referencing several parts of the Constitution that talk about representation including the 15th. Note, though, I said "probably". I'm no constitutional scholar and I'm certainly no judge.
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Voting is a right guaranteed by the 15th Amendment. As is the right to keep and bear arms, in the 2nd amendment. If, by your reasoning, 14 year olds should be afforded the right to vote based on the fact that they are tax paying citizens, then should these same 14 year old citizens be permitted to own and carry firearms? I have little doubt that you would be one of the first to join me in a resounding "Hell No!". (though for clearly different reasons) There is a reason that 18 is considered the age of majority. Children do not, and should not, have rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights. They do not live under a Democracy. They live under the iron fisted dictatorship of their parents.
You'd be wrong. My take on guns is that I cannot stand their existence but I must recognize the Second Amendment and the SCOTUS rulings on it. If some asshole adult can have a gun because of some stupidly outdated law, I can't imagine why we shouldn't give them to kids. I think we both know that adults are commonly prone to stupid decisions and stupid mistakes that make the Second Amendment seem like outright lunacy. If we are to accept such lunacy, allowing any and every yahoo to have a gun, what the heck kind of arbitrary line is 18? What flash of maturity and good judgment occurs between 17 and 18 that means the difference between rightfully having a weapon of murder and not having that weapon?
It's the illusion of responsible governance. "Well yes, these can do nothing but harm or kill, but at least we aren't giving them to children!" Look how responsible we all are.