You definitely know what sorts of things make for great photos, but some of these aren't framed as nicely as they could be.
When you take your photos, think of what needs to be in the photo to best bring out the look you're going for, and try to take whatever you don't need out of the frame.
Sometimes you don't get the opportunity to take the stellar shots you imagine, so editing them slightly can help.
This is what I did to your photos in a couple of minutes:
In this one, I was most drawn to this woman and how nicely her parasol complimented the cherry trees, so I cut everything out and increased the contrast a little.
I wasn't sold on the concrete wall being so prominent in this photo, so I got rid of it. The Also, I highly saturated and slightly brightened the colours to make the shot a little more surreal.
This one didn't need as much blank space as you had allocated, so I cropped and balanced the unused space a bit.
I think you know what you're doing with your photos, you just may want to process them a little further, and think a bit more about your framing.