They're certainly not boring subjects. If you're not already using manual settings, you could try learning to use those if they're available in your camera. You can achieve a lot more drama in shots by controlling the depth of field and shutter speed in order to capture it more as you see in your mind, rather than as the camera automatically calculates. And you'll have to adjust the ISO sometimes in order to get those other settings you want.
For instance, the shot of the ladies with the umbrellas is great because it has a large depth of field and everything is in focus. However the shot of the trashcan might be more interesting with a very narrow depth of field where the words were in focus and the background mostly blurred, like the image of the flower below, leaving the shampoo and stuff in the background unfocused and not distracting from the subject. And it doesn't take a fancy camera to do this, just one with manual settings and paying attention to them.
Hopefully that is a start towards what you're looking for. I or someone else can elaborate more on those effects if you're interested or maybe you already know.