It's great that you are asking for critiques, advice, and hints on how to improve your form on photography, squeeeb, just know that I am perhaps the last person that will offer any hands-on tips. I haven't used a camera in perhaps a decade, and I have delayed buying a new camera for at least the last 3 years. It's brutal being backward and broke.
The first shot of the towed truck is superb, squeeb. It instantly triggered in my mind the thought of
And the "umbrella-holding fair maidens" capture is indeed, captivating. It has a cool background, great color composure, and great defining textures in the stone walls, reflecting waters, and the hanging flowers from the trees. Also a pertinent self-note, I think I am developing an unhealthy fascination with umbrellas as of late, so that could play a factor in why I chose to single that pic out from the rest.