If your looking to gain wait you can eat more energy dense foods that most nutrition sites will probably steer you away from. Most of those sites deal with weight loss primarily and so cater to that audience. One example is peanut butter which isn't terrible for you (unless you buy the cheap stuff that is loaded with sugar), most places will tell you to avoid it but if your looking to gain weight it can be a good snack choice on a slice of toast or bagel (whole grain of course) or even carrots or celery. So the lesson is understand why you're being told a food is bad for you so you can decide for yourself it it really is bad for you
2 tbl peanut butter + 2 whole carrots = about 250 calories. To get the same calories out of just the carrots you'd need to eat 5 carrot in addition to the 2 you started with. Which is why weight loss sites tell you to skip the PB.
2 tbl peanut butter + 2 stalks celery = about 200 calories. To get the same from just celery you'd have to eat 2 whole bags (assuming about 16-17 stalks per bag)
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game.