Originally Posted by mixedmedia
I don't think this takes into consideration that pedophilia is a compulsion and not simply a choice. I don't think that the deterrence of castration would be as compelling to a true pedophile as it would be to other child molesters...and those pedophiles are the ones we're really after, right? The 'specific group of offenders?' The end result, just as in the death penalty, is punishment for its own sake rather than prevention. You may call that doing something, but I call it an afterthought. What we need to be doing is trying to identify and detain true pedophiles early on, which would mean realizing that not all child molestations are created equal. But we've got so much inappropriate emotional garbage invested in the idea of sex with children that we (in actuality) imperil them over and over again. People are so fucked up.
Hahaha... afterthought.
Tell me, what part of the criminal justice (courts) system isn't an afterthought, MixedMedia? This isn't
Minority Report, we're very reactive here.
I do concur that hardcore pedophiles won't be deterred by anything, including the death penalty or being forced to watch Billy Mays ads for 96 hours straight. Their twisted Chester brains are screaming for perversion and they'll go for it regardless. It's worse than a drug addiction because the feenin' comes from the inside, without external chemical "motivation."
Ugh, afterthought. Once again... "do nothing." So what kind of proactive measures should we take to screen the men of America to determine whether or not they're child molesters / pedophiles? Figure out the magical molester gene and screen the country? What kind of psychological battery can determine such things? And what about Our Rights? "Innocent until proven guilty" probably means "don't screen me, I didn't do anything yet."
My limited education has taught me that "yet" is key word in the criminal justice system.
Originally Posted by guccilvr
so all you would need is a conviction to support this act? even if someone was wrongfully convicted? I mean.. fuck.. it's one thing to give someone some money because they were wrongfully convicted, but I think handing them their nuts in a jar isn't going to be any sort of condolence for the fuck up.
Yeah, a solid conviction. That thing where we believe in the system for ten seconds based on forensics such as DNA evidence (Sir, do you mind telling us how your semen got into the child's rectum?), maybe witnesses or other high tech shit. Beyond A Reasonable Doubt (TM).
Nothing is ever 100%. Especially not justice.
OJ Simpson'd!
Somebody do something. Our shit's broke and everybody's bitching.
I wonder how I'll go over in law school.
Originally Posted by Hyacinthe
Am I perhaps being vengeful? Maybe but honestly I don't care, being nice to these people and trying to help them hasn't worked the frequency of violent sexual assault continues to climb on a global level maybe it's time to try the opposite route and simply remove their DNA from the gene pool. If you believe that pedophiles are born from a genetic disposition ( alot of psychiatric illnesses are geneticall based for example) then you logically should be all for this plan.
Dangerous. I approve.