I've actually had discussions with friends and family on this exact topic.
A big part of me supports the idea of enforced surgical castration because I don't believe any child should be raised to see someone who has the inherent darkness in them that habitual sex offenders do as a good person or role model. Children deserve better then that. In the case of Women I support chemical or surgical sterilization as an equivalent, as in the removal of ovaries not forcing her to use a contraceptive.
So who do I think it should be used on - as I stated before habitual offenders, 3 strikes ( or 3 counts of violent sexual assault) the 3rd one you're convicted of - compulsory sterilization. By doing something like that not once, not twice but 3 times means that you have had two chances you know actions like the ones you have previously committed are wrong and you have CHOSEN to do them any way. If the rehabilitatin hasn't taken the first or second time I think it is a waste of taxpayer resources to keep trying to implant a moral compass in those people.
Luckily Terell not being American I don't have to give a fig for the amendments to your constitution
I don't think that it would treat the underlying issue though, if the violent tendencies are caused not by testosterone but because the person enjoys the power trip that sexually assaulting someone gives them it could just make the situation worse - leading to sexual assault with a foreign object for example. I'll admit few things have scared me as much as the sight of a long necked beer bottle did for a few years.
Am I perhaps being vengeful? Maybe but honestly I don't care, being nice to these people and trying to help them hasn't worked the frequency of violent sexual assault continues to climb on a global level maybe it's time to try the opposite route and simply remove their DNA from the gene pool. If you believe that pedophiles are born from a genetic disposition ( alot of psychiatric illnesses are geneticall based for example) then you logically should be all for this plan.