Spirit Powers! ...?
Let's skip the formalities, we know what they are. Is it possible for the next human evolutionary jump to be mental?
Will my son have an aptitude for levitation?
But what I want to know is if it is practically possible for a human to learn one of these psi-powers (so-called by meta-scientists) under the pretense of survival? Could I, for instance, come to a mentality that sees no logical problem with levitation, and if my mind sees flight or levitation as being the natural extension of walking, could it not just do it? No practice involved, just step into the air a few feet at a time?
Of course a person would have to have an openminded threshold above that of, say, the Rainman... or not, no one has even researched it!
Yeah, well, you're just that awesome, I guess. It's not like I guessed so anyways.