Originally Posted by thelifeandtimes
...I've been with my fiancee for a little over 3 years now, and in that time, she has never given me straight oral, start to finish. What ends up happening is she will give me oral for a few minutes and then its straight to sex....
What bothers me is that I've discussed this with her numerous times. And it's not that I just want to receive, I would be more than happy to do it to her. I've even offered to go down on just her with no expectation of her doing anything to me. She would always seem good with the idea, but that excitement would fizzle out when the time came....
Originally Posted by thelifeandtimes
...we have had some pretty deep talks about sex regarding things that we like, don't like, want to do etc. recently. She is definitely not prudish and is open to trying different things. Or at least that is what she says. Lately I've been having a hard time believing it....And that is even with me wanting and telling her I would be more than happy than reciprocating. So I really don't know much anymore. And it has always been like this and I have brought it up many times and it always ends up going the same way.
From what I've read in your two posts, your fiance is
not open to trying different things. I would think after three years together the two of you would've already tried at least a few things other than limited oral foreplay and straight-up sex. It sounds as though it will be very difficult to get her to open up more, and you might have to decide if you're willing to settle for straight-up sex only.