ok, I lived in the city for about 3 years now and I hate looking for a roommate that I don't know. I moved my cousin up here about a year and a half now she is cool. We get along and we are very simular. I got her a job working at the same place as I did because it is easy money. She was supposed to get a car to make things easier because we are on my car, but she is still working on that. We got an apartment together and things could be better but who is complaining! We didn't like the apartment that we were in so we decided to move once the lease is up. Two weeks ago, she found out that she was pregnant and now she is going through the hell of the pregency (vomiting every hour on the hour, always in bed, etc.) and she is constantly missing work. The Baby father is MIA and we move in 1 month. She cannot move back home because her mother is dealing with her other daughter who is pregnant and her daughter and law who is pregnant with her second child..... Im going back to school soon......I not ready to be in this kind of situation.....what do I do????