Thread: Chris Brown
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Old 06-27-2009, 10:48 AM   #115 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
It isnt a game mate.

Society sets the standards by which it itself is judged.

If you want a justice system which thinks a physically powerful and vigorous young man beating and choking a 120 lbs girls, choking her until she loses consciousness, punching her repeatedly in the face and smashing her head into a car window until both her eyes her swelld up and she cannot see... if you think such an individual doesnt deserve 1 single day in jail... then I congratualte all citizens of the USA, because you have what you wish for. You have the justice system you desire.

The rest of the world shall feel free to pass judgment upon you for this.
i seriously think you need to re-evaluate your ideals in line with normalcy. had you been a legislator, you'd have locked up half the countries prisons so minor misdemeanours. You'd clog up the justice system with frivilous hearings that justice would be delayed, if not denied.

i just feel that you need to realise that your moral high ground with regards to this is...well..crap. why? because

1) you yourself have been involved in a stouche where you beat up someone who was a lot weaker than you.

2) you beat up and exagerate this evil menacing and dangerouos young hooligan, when its a case that should have been heard between 2 individuals in a local magistrates court or US equivelant. there no need to send his ass to prison for a quarter or half his life.

no one said this was a game. its not...i think you misunderstood my sarcstic comment. it was meant to denote a two match slanging match between yourself and gucci. seriously dude, lighten up.
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