Simple solution: Movie theaters should all buy those cell phone blocking transmitters. Just turn the entire building into one big OUT OF SERVICE.
Here's a true story:
Saw LOTR: Two Towers on an afternoon about 4 weeks into the run. Maybe 30 or 40 people in the theatre. Just before the previews ended, a dad and his two kids (a boy about 7 years old and a girl about 5) sit down in the row in front of me. This can't be good.
The dad did two things that were just plaing fucking stupid. First, he covered his daughter's eyes whenever something scary was happening (which during Two Towers, is about 2 1/2 hours worth of the movie). The other thing he did was read all of Liv Tyler's subtitled dialogue to his daughter. Um, if a movie has a lot of subtitles, don't bring a kid who can't read yet. What next, a trip to see Crouching Tiger?
Clearly this was a dad who just HAD to see this movie, even if both kids were bored, scared, and just plain antsy. Bringing young children to a long, scary, dark, complicated movie is just a bad idea. And this coming from a dad (we drop our daughter off at Grandma's when we want to see a movie)
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel