Alright. Hats off to phil for hosting the round, me for thinking outside the box in terms of questioning, even when they were wrong half the time, and Shell, Tully, Nick for building upon the "counties" clue, which helped immensely.
The past is the past, and as it where I make my domain, thank you MJ for revolutionizing the world through your hit music.
I'll be be back at 1700 hours, NYST (time in New York) to resume the contest, and allow inquiries as to where I am on this me, mine planet of ours.
This time, we're playing "Escape from the Neverland Ranch".

---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------
Sorry, I'm abit late; I was off somewhere else with a levy. That's the sort of Ramblin' man I am.
Besides that allegory, you are all cleared for take off. Where am I going?