Baraka -
i can't speak for kids today, but i do know my daughter uses it all the time, even with her gay friends.
like me, when she uses it, she isn't thinking about it also meaning homosexual. yeah, we both know the dominant meaning of gay is homosexual, but when we say "that is so gay" we mean it in a totally different way, not related to homosexuality at all. we are not thinking "that is substandard and stupid and distasteful like a homosexual is." it's a completely different word totally divorced from homosexuality when i or my daughter use it in the "that's gay" context.
i think the majority of people who say "that is gay" isn't equating it with being homosexual.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
If you know the dominant meaning of gay today is "homosexual," would you be saying being gay isn't cool?
being gay isn't any cooler or not cooler than not being gay. being gay just means you are attracted to the same gender. that's all "gay" means in that usage.