Originally Posted by squeeeb
except there is only one meaning for Jewish, it is used to denote a specific group. "gay" however, has different meanings. it meant something else entirely before a group of homosexuals claimed it as their own. they took the word and changed its meaning, which is cool, that's the beauty of english.
Kids who say it aren't stupid. They know there is a current dominant meaning of
gay, and that's "homosexual." When a kid says, "That's so gay," I can only assume, at worst, he kinda means: "That's like a homosexual (which is something I like to ridicule...because faggots are funny and below me... fucking queers....)." Tell me if it's otherwise.
Think of other uses: "That video game is so fucking gay," "The Cubs are fucking gay," "[Your favourite band] is fucking gay."
Does this not mean there is something fundamentally "wrong" with these things? They don't live up to a standard? They're lame? I think there is a tie between this meaning of
gay, and the meaning most of us know, which is "homosexual." How can there not be? It's far too coincidental for it to be otherwise.
and, for what it's worth, when i say something is "gay" i don't mean bad, inferior, stupid. i just mean its not cool.
If you know the dominant meaning of
gay today is "homosexual," would you be saying being gay isn't cool?