Shani is not alone on this. when i had parties, i'd freak out when people weren't there by 5 minutes after whatever time i said the party started, i thought no one was gonna show. if i say it's gonna start at 8, then i will have everything ready to go at 8. i'm like that.
i'm pretty punctual, i think it comes from 20 years of an "if you are early, you're on time, if you're on time, your late," mindset. also my mother used to be late ALL the time, to EVERYTHING, and i would be with her, and i was embarrassed, so now i am always about 10 minutes early to everything.
and i expect others to be on time as well. for me, when you show up late, you are saying "you are not that important, i have better things to do than see you. i don't respect your time." i know there are mitigating circumstances, but i had a friend who i could count on to be late. i hated meeting him.
onward to mayhem!