Our family is of Scot heritage.
There was a saying bandied about, concerning Scots and nickels,
and something about squeezing...stuff I overheard as a fledgling. (1965)
For all time, many words have been adopted for both nefarious and benevolent
Secret handshake/wink winks:
Excluding, to include those who will not kill you.
Including, to exclude those you want to kill.
or the tangled mirror of the above.
I would never knowingly use a term to purposely offend.
But I may be ignorant of some the newer lingo,
because of its quicksilver nature.
Crochet Hook - still means just a crochet hook, so far, right?
I have yet to hear one of these salad-day lads and lasses,
use the term 'that's so gay', other than an insult.