Homosexuality is barely tolerated in our society as it is. (my society, of north america)
In countries with a very strong patriarchal or religious influence,
it's very Taboo.
The disparaging/ nervous jesting/ phobic responses to anything 'homothexual'
is apparent here at TFP as well. (yes the lisp was on purpose)
Fags are the new niggers. (read: fair game)
Women here in north america used to be kinda like niggers,
you know... bartered property.
Mr's-------------meant: Property of Mr.
Many many corners of this round planet, are still filled
with a way of thinking that astounds.
It is a good thing for us to talk to each other about tolerance.
I had a dream about a tribal shamanic queen guy riding on a horse backwards.
No wait---that was a movie.
I'm such a thang.