Man was it strange growing up with my genes, I was a real horn as a kid.
I had no idea what sex was because I never encountered the circumstances to experiment with a girl, until middle school all I knew was that kisses made my heart glow just a little bit.
But I did innocent, yet weird things with other boys... and I'm semi-homophobic now, go figure.
Every girl I've been with (excepting one exceptional exception) thought I was a natural at going too far too fast. Only now do I understand how I am...,
Sex to me has always seemed like a natural thing that adults kept under wraps for reasons unknown, ambiguous and, I recently found, medieval as well. All I can say about that, is that the catholics screwed it up for all of us. I knew there was a feminine cycle just like there was a male cycle as a kid, though I didn't know it as such of course. But I'm pretty sure now the male cycle is tied to the act itself, not the time of month, by genetic habit if not by instinct.
Yeah, well, you're just that awesome, I guess. It's not like I guessed so anyways.