Originally Posted by MSD
The obvious solution is to call tech support and record it. And before you throw it in the ocean, take the battery out and recycle it
For me, the incognito part is that people can't hear what I'm saying. If they're texting in class, at least they're not talking.
Assuming 8 hours of sleep per day, this comes out to one text per two minutes of every waking hour. I can manage 2000, but that's ridiculous.
the girls fingers move like freakin vipers! and i'm fairly certain she doesn't sleep. we have actually thought about entering her into the world texting championships.
so far we haven't mixed up any convos with the kids, but there was an errant pic of some saucy hello kitty panties sent to a friend of ours who is one click away from my name in her contact list! he seemed to enjoy it...