Originally Posted by roachboy
at some point i decided it would be a good idea to change the language of my stupid cellphone to french. then i changed phones and can't figure out how to make the word-guessing function stop. so it tries to guess what i'm about to write, but does it in french. this has created a situation in which all i can really text people are strings of more or less arbitrary letters. so i can write the sounds one might make while having a significant seizure of some kind in all situations which seem to call for such a response, but cannot answer things like "i'm standing in line outside the club are you already inside?"
Obviously the correct answer is either "oui" or "non"...
I text when I can't talk. Or when it's just a hit of info that's needed, not a whole discussion. Or a "here" when I'm pulling up to pick someone up who's inside her office (ahem) to let her know I'm here. I have that one on a "template" so it's three clicks to send it.