Originally Posted by pan6467
In the end I go back to what my father says about him, "He makes good points, provides good entertainment but if he truly believes all that he says, the guy is nuts and belongs in a psyche unit."
The problem is that regardless of what he believes, many of his listeners
do accept everything he says at face value, same as with Hannity or Beck. A coworker of my wife is a sweet old lady, but firmly believes that the democrats are going to outlaw Christianity, hand out abortions like candy, and that Obama is a Muslim/the Antichrist. She's also very afraid of terrorists (in suburban Atlanta,) swine flu, and wouldn't turn her computer on for several days when the last computer virus hype came through. She is otherwise educated, smart, and very nice, but listens exclusively to conservative radio/news and watches mostly religious programing.
I'd consider myself a political moderate, but many of the conservative voices are polarizing the country and promoting a culture of fear and ignorance. And people let them.