Originally Posted by djtobia
That is exactly my problem. I have so many friends, and all of them are awesome, but the girls that I always want to be more than friends don't go for me, even when I do tell them. It's not that I'm not confident, I do ask girls out on dates and I do tell them my feelings and all of that, its just that they always seem to find someone better at the last second.
As for the hobby the others spoke of, I am a musician as well, and am going to go to college for it. It has kept me occupied these last couple of months, I just get hit with emotion every now and then.
I thank all of you for the advice, I think it will truly help me.
I have a question. You say you're confident. Is that confidence like, "I have the balls to do scary shit" or is it confidence like, "I am comfortable with who I am" confidence?
They are different.