Maybe - I heard the reporter *happened* to be in the terminal and recognized him. I hope he went down there to break it off...but I would think that would have been better done by phone in this case. So if his wife knew about it for 5 months, but he decided to go get some strange on Father's Fucking Day, then I have to say that I have less respect for him than I did previously. This does not leave him with much respect. I disagree with much of his politics, but this situation is just sad. 49 year old father of 4 leaves his family on Father's Day to get pound some Argentinian chick, and then he gets busted in the airport? His family has got to be feeling like a big old piece of crappola. I loved his wife's quote "I'm just being a mother...taking care of my children..." (i.e. fuck you Mark, you philandering piece of shit. Some of us have responsibilities...) I'm glad I don't have to deal with it.
In other news, pesky Andre Bauer is already hamming it up to take the SC governor's slot when it comes up. He definitely was throwing Sanford under the bus the whole time he was away. If SC stays Repub, Andre is pretty much a shoe-in. Republican who panders to the elderly and the Christin Right? Check. I wonder what the rumor mill has been like inside the capital this past week...
edit: that first part of the post was a follow up on ASU, not filthy. Of course he's a "social conservative," and a "fiscal conservative," and an "adulterous no-family-values-having-motherfucker conservative..."
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style