my stance on this hasn't changed since the last go around. It's all about context.
I'm going to take my rl experience and rank it up there above this knee jerk propaganda.
I have 3 gay friends, 2 ex roomates who were gay and I find it no suprise that 100% of them don't give a rats ass about people who say "that's so gay"
hell, my current roommate is hilarious cuz he totally mocks social convention and the nicey touchy policital correctness movement (which c'mon, is so 90's right?) he generally calls people up, or even me by going "hey faggot, lets got get some food!"
and im like "I don't wanna eat your gay food, i'll get aids"
we just realize how silly it is I guess. But we're good friends. *shrug*
my tongue doesn't feel the need to walk on eggshells to defend the sensibilities of people who can't unclench their buttocks long enough to realize that not everything is intended, in context, to belittle and insult them.