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Old 06-24-2009, 10:07 AM   #40 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
Originally Posted by ItWasMe View Post

Edit: My question: WHAT is Twitter?
I think Twistedmosaic provided a good explanation of the service:
Originally Posted by twistedmosaic View Post
... However, they are a searchable database of status updates. Also, it is common to use them to share pictures. And quick news updates.

Examples of 'more than status updates' useage:

What are people saying about "The Hangover"? Search for it!
Twitter: What are you doing?

Is Hulu working on Boxee?
hulu on boxee status (ishuluonboxee) on Twitter

What's happening on Mars?
MarsPhoenix (MarsPhoenix) on Twitter

Want to be sure you'll here about The Rapture/cthulu's rising/assasinations, even if you're not near a TV?
CNN Breaking News (cnnbrk) on Twitter

A lot of websites treat them like an RSS feed as well, letting you know when favorite site X has an update/new comic/new song posted.

Edit: Additionally, it's unsymmetrical. I really like Adam Savage and Penn Jilette, but doubt either of them would accept a friend request from me on Facebook...however, I can subscribe to their twitter feeds and get to hear their little bits of daily wit without them having to acknowledge me in any way

donttrythis (donttrythis) on Twitter
Penn Jillette (pennjillette) on Twitter

Now here's something that was never quite elaborated by my mentors, and it dawned on me a couple times to ask about it, not the least of which being today.

What's the basis for the law and coined adage of "possession is 9/10ths of the law", and how is it applied in daily life situations?

What would happen if I found a crisp, cool, unopened and abandoned bottle of Pepsi One underneath a park bench on a hot summer's day, and claimed it as my own? To go further, say I dropped my wallet at the exact moment I picked up the bottle, the original purchaser of the soda remembers that he had misplaced his product earlier in the day, goes in search of it, happens upon my wallet and calls me? If he was a real dick in this unfathomable scenario, and had found witnesses that saw me swipe his refreshment only to gulp it down before their eyes, could he submit my name to the authorities for due compensation? Am I safe in claiming "9/10th possession", or is there even a remote possibility that I could be charged with theft?
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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