Originally Posted by Crompsin
I need to stop talking to you, Martian.
You keep me up all night long.
Warning: Bromance Imminent!
The feeling's mutual, Crompsie-poo.
...I wish I could quit you.
Originally Posted by genuinegirly
This would actually work on a girl like me. I love watching people play video games. And any excuse to see his place in a non-threatening air is a plus.
My preferred method is to make it clear that I'm interested in a relationship, take her out, and invite her back afterwards. It's worked so far.
Non-threatening is good. Sending out psycho killer vibes is not a way to get anywhere with a woman. On the flip side, sending out 'I'm not going to ever try to make a move' vibes is also bad.
Pretending you're not interested in a lady when you actually are is at best dishonest, and will not help you to get women.