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Old 06-22-2009, 11:29 PM   #41 (permalink)
Originally Posted by noodle View Post
That depends. Do you consider assisted suicide murder?
Because I strongly believe in the right and if I had the means and a loved one who wanted help, I'd do it.
Could I drive to someone's home in the middle of the night and pop them?
With the proper motivation, yes. Hurt me, hurt my family, my loved ones enough, yes.
But I'm not going to jail for some random person.
Off the top of my head, and with the mellow mood I am currently in, no I couldn't kill someone.
But I'm sure that if someone seriously provoked me to such an extreme as to want to do such a thing, that I would prepare myself for a fight, or plot out a fool-proof murder.

Now that you mention that assisted suicide, it reminds me of my dad's death.
The cause was not suicide, it was cancer-causing strokes. A fight gone very wrong very suddenly. It wasn't something we saw coming.

He was on his deathbed, and it was only up to me (yes, me) to choose when that death would occur.

While I don't feel responsible for his death, I played a significant part as to when his life ended. It isn't murder, but it still makes me feel a strong guilt-like burden, as well as an inseparable bond to his life. After making that decision, I ran to the trees behind the hospital and screamed and cried for awhile. I'll never forget it. I was only 19.

(I wonder if that made any sense at all, heh)
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