writing on money
writing on money is illegal and wrong and stupid and gay. only some sad pathetic wanna be artist would deface a $1, $5, or $20 dollar bill to get his little gay ass message across to others.
for example...i would NEVER draw glasses and a mustache and a goatee on a one dollar bill. also, i would NEVER draw a big afro on george washington or abe lincoln.
i also would NEVER write little messages in the border on the bottom of a bill, for example "caution: this won't buy you health, happiness, or friends" or some other urbane witty pithy comment meant to jar the masses out of their trance like everyday state and attempt to make them think for themselves or just make them think, period. i would never do that, cause it's illegal and wrong.
that said....
have you ever written on currency? have you ever seen a bill with something written on it? (other than a phone number. that's just pathetic. and i don't care about the "where's george" stamp)
what did you see written on a bill? (you had to see it, it would be wrong if you personally wrote on it)......
(i was gonna take pictures of bills i happened to have with writing on them, but the pics didnt come out all that well. )
onward to mayhem!